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HyperSQL Catalog(Data Storage)

Each HyperSQL database is called a catalog. There are three types of catalog depending on how the data is stored.
Types of catalog data
  • mem: Stored entirely in RAM - without any persistence beyond the JVM process's life
  • file: Stored in filesystem files
  • res: Stored in a Java resource, such as a Jar and always read-only

The default MEMORY type stores all data changes to the disk in the form of a SQL script. During engine start up, these commands are executed and data is reconstructed into the memory. While this behavior is not suitable for very large tables, it provides highly regarded performance benefits and is easy to debug.
All-in-memory, mem: catalogs can be used for test data or as sophisticated caches for an application. These databases do not have any files.
A file: catalog consists of between 2 to 6 files, all named the same but with different extensions, located in the same directory. For example, the database named "test" consists of the following files:
  • test.script
  • test.log
  • test.backup
  • test.lobs
The properties file contains a few settings about the database. The script file contains the definition of tables and other database objects, plus the data for non-cached tables. The log file contains recent changes to the database. The data file contains the data for cached tables and the backup file is a compressed backup of the last known consistent state of the data file. All these files are essential and should never be deleted. For some catalogs, the and test.backup files will not be present. In addition to those files, a HyperSQL database may link to any formatted text files, such as CSV lists, anywhere on the disk.
While the "test" catalog is open, a test.log file is used to write the changes made to data. This file is removed at a normal SHUTDOWN. Otherwise (with abnormal shutdown) this file is used at the next startup to redo the changes. A test.lck file is also used to record the fact that the database is open. This is deleted at a normal SHUTDOWN.

In-Process Access to Database Catalogs

In general, JDBC is used for all access to databases. This is done by making a connection to the database, then using various methods of the java.sql.Connection object that is returned to access the data.
1. FILE Catalog:
Access to an in-process database is started from JDBC, with the database path specified in the connection URL. For example, if the file: database name is "testdb" and its files are located in the same directory as where the command to run your application was issued, the following code is used for the connection:
Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hsqldb:file:testdb", "SA", "");

The database file path format can be specified using forward slashes in Windows hosts as well as Linux hosts. So relative paths or paths that refer to the same directory on the same drive can be identical. For example if your database directory in Linux is /opt/db/ containing a database testdb (with files named testdb.*), then the database file path is /opt/db/testdb. If you create an identical directory structure on the C:drive of a Windows host, you can use the same URL in both Windows and Linux:
Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hsqldb:file:/opt/db/testdb", "SA", "");

When using relative paths, these paths will be taken relative to the directory in which the shell command to start the Java Virtual Machine was executed. Refer to the Javadoc for JDBCConnection for more details.
Paths and database names for file databases are treated as case-sensitive when the database is created or the first connection is made to the database. But if a second connection is made to an open database, using a path and name that differs only in case, then the connection is made to the existing open database. This measure is necessary because in Windows the two paths are equivalent.
2. MEM Catalog:
A mem: database is specified by the mem: protocol. For mem: a database, the path is simply a name. Several mem: databases can exist at the same time and distinguished by their names. In the example below, the database is called "mymemdb":
Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hsqldb:mem:mymemdb", "SA", "");

3. RES Catalog:
A res: database, is specified by the res: protocol. As it is a Java resource, the database path is a Java URL (similar to the path to a class). In the example below, "resdb" is the root name of the database files, which exists in the directory "org/my/path" within the classpath (probably in a Jar). A Java resource is stored in a compressed format and is decompressed in memory when it is used. For this reason, a res: database should not contain large amounts of data and is always read-only.
Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("", "SA", "");

The first time in-process connection is made to a database, some general data structures are initialised and a few helper threads are started. After this, creation of connections and calls to JDBC methods of the connections execute as if they are part of the Java application that is making the calls. When the SQL command "SHUTDOWN" is executed, the global structures and helper threads for the database are destroyed.
Note that only one Java process at a time can make in-process connections to a given file: database. However, if the file: database has been made read-only, or if connections are made to a res: database, then it is possible to make in-process connections from multiple Java processes.